Engine Locations Diagrams
-RCS Auto Control Schematic
R CS Engine Power Supplies (Automatic) Diagram
RCS Direct Control Schematic
RCS Engine Power Supplies (Direct) Rotation Control No. 1 Diagram
RCS Engine Power Supplies (Direct) Rotation Control No. 2 Diagram
RCS Functional Flow Schematic
Propellant Fuel Pressure Isolation Valve
and Secondary Oxidizer Tanks
Solenoid Injector Control Valves (Fuel and Oxidizer)
RCS Steady State Operation - Typical
RCS Engine Minimum Total Impulse - Typical
Versus Temperature Measuring System
Fuel Pressure Transducers (4)
- each injector valve inlet
Temperature Transducer (4)
RCS Electrical Power Distribution
RCS Electrical Power Distribution Schematic
RCS Functional Flow Schematic
Isolation (Squib-Operated) Valve
Pressure Regulator Assembly
Burst Isolation Valve
Isolation Shutoff Valves
RCS Engine Thrust Rise and Decay Time Diagram
Propellant Solenoid
Injector Control Valves (Fuel and Oxidizer)
Solenoid Injector Temperature-Control System
RCS Squib Valve Power Control Diagram
Isolation Squib Valve Filter
Manifold Pressure Transducer (4)
Isolation Burst Diaphragm (4)
RCS Electrical Power Distribution
RCS Electrical Power Distribution Schematic
The Apollo command service module includes two separate
reaction control systems completely independent designated SM RCS and CM
RCS. The SM RCS is utilized to control S/C rates and rotation in all three
axis in addition to any minor translation requirements including CSM-S-IVB
separation, SPS ullage ulland CM-SM separation maneuvers. The CM RCS is
utilized to control CM rates and rotation in all three axis after CM-SM
separation and during entry. The CM RCS does not have automatic
translation capabilities.
Both the SM and CM R CS may be controlled either
automatically or manually from the command module. Physical location of
the RCS engines is shown in CM-SM
Engine Locations Diagrams. Engine
firing sequence for specific maneuvers and individual .engine circuit
breaker power control is shown in
CSM -RCS Auto Control Schematic ,
CM-SM R CS Engine Power Supplies
(Automatic) Diagram,
RCS Engine Power Supplies (Direct) Rotation Control No. 1 Diagram
RCS Direct Control Schematic,
RCS Engine Power Supplies (Direct) Rotation Control No. 2 Diagram.
CM-SM Engine
Locations Diagrams
Control Schematic
CM-SM R CS Engine
Power Supplies (Automatic) Diagram
CMS RCS Direct
Control Schematic
SM-CM RCS Engine
Power Supplies (Direct) Rotation Control No. 1 Diagram
SM-CM R CS Engine
Power Supplies (Direct) Rotation Control No. 2 Diagram
The SM RCS consists of four individual, functionally
identical packages, located 90 degrees apart around the forward portion
(+X axis) of the SM periphery, and offset from the S/C Y and Z axis by 7
degrees 15 minutes. Each package, configuration, called a "quad," is such
that the reaction engines are mounted on the outer surface of the panel
and the remaining components are inside. Propellant distribution lines are
routed through the panel skin to facilitate propellant transfer to the
reaction engine combustion chambers. The engine combustion chambers are
canted approximately 10 degrees away from the panel structure to reduce
the effects of exhaust gas on the service module skin. The two roll
engines on each quad are offset-mounted to accommodate plumbing in the
engine mounting structure.
Each RCS package incorporates a pressure-fed,
positive-expulsion, pulse-modulated, bipropellant system to produce the
reaction thrust required to perform the various SM RCS control functions.
Acceptable package operating temperature is maintained by internally
mounted, thermostatically controlled electric heaters. The SM RCS
propellants consist of inhibited nitrogen tetroxide (N204), used as the
oxidizer, and monomethylhydrazine (MMH), used as the fuel. Pressurized
helium gas is the propellant transferring agent.
The reaction engines may be pulse-fired, producing
short-thrust impulses or continuously fired, producing a steady-state
thrust level. The short-pulse firing permits attitude-hold modes of
operation and extremely accurate attitude alignment maneuvers during
navigational sightings. CSM attitude control is normally maintained by
utilizing the applicable pitch, yaw, and roll engines on all four quads.
However, in the event of a malfunction or in order to conserve
propellants, complete attitude control can be maintained with only two
adjacent quads operating.
A functional flow diagram for a SM RCS quad is shown in
SM RCS Functional Flow Schematic
. The helium storage vessel supplies helium to two solenoid-operated
helium isolation valves that are normally open throughout the mission.
This allows helium pressure to the regulators, downstream of each helium
isolation valve, reducing the high-pressure helium to a desired working
SM RCS Functional
Flow Schematic
Regulated helium pressure is directed through series
-parallel check valves. The check valves permit helium pressure to the
fuel and oxidizer tanks, and prevent reverse flow of propellant vapors or
liquid. A pressure relief valve is installed .in the pressure lines
between the check valves and. propellant tanks to protect the propellant
tanks from any excessive pressures.
Helium entering the propellant tanks creates a pressure
buildup around the positive expulsion bladders forcing the propellants in
the tank to be expelled into the propellant distribution lines.
Propellants from the primary fuel and oxidizer tanks flow through the
primary propellant isolation valves. Propellants from the secondary fuel
and oxidizer tanks flow through the secondary propellant isolation valves.
The secondary propellant fuel pressure isolation valve will be opened when
the secondary propellant fuel pressure transducer (located downstream of
the primary fuel tank) senses a drop in pressure. The drop in pressure
indicates the primary fuel tank is at propellant depletion. Opening the
secondary propellant fuel pressure valve at this time allows regulated
helium pressure to the secondary fuel tank. It has been determined that
due to the O/F ratio the fuel tank will deplete ahead of the oxidizer
tanks, thus accounting for the secondary propellant fuel pressure
isolation valve installation in the helium pressurization path to the
secondary fuel tank only.
Oxidizer and fuel is distributed to the four engines by
a parallel feed system. The fuel valve on each engine opens approximately
two milliseconds prior to the oxidizer valve, to provide proper engine
operation. Each valve assembly contains orifices which meter the
propellant flow to obtain a nominal 2 : 1 oxidizer /fuel ratio by weight.
The oxidizer and fuel impinge, atomize, and are ignited by hypergolic
reaction within the combustion chamber. The injector valves are controlled
automatically by the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly. Manual
direct control is provided for rotational maneuvers and direct ullage
only. The engine injector valves are spring-loaded closed. This system
configuration maintains propellants under constant pressure, at the engine
injector valves, providing rapid consistent response rates to thrust
ON-OFF commands.
The SM RCS is composed of four separate, individual
quads, each quad containing the following four major subsystems:
Propellant - primary/ secondary
Rocket engine
Temperature control system
The pressurization subsystem regulates and distributes
helium to the propellant tanks (SM RCS Functional Flow Schematic).
It consists of a helium storage tank, isolation valves, pressure
regulators, and lines necessary for filling, draining, and distribution of
the helium.
The total high-pressure helium supply is contained
within a single-spherical storage tank.
The helium isolation valves between the helium tank and
pressure regulators contain two solenoids: one solenoid is energized
momentarily to magnetically latch the valve open; the remaining solenoid
is energized momentarily to unlatch the valve, and spring pressure and
helium pressure forces the valve closed. The helium isolation valves in
each quad are individually controlled by their own individual SM RCS
HELIUM switch on MDC- 2. The momentary OPEN position energizes the valve
into the magnetic latch (open). The momentary CLOSE position energizes the
valve to unlatch the magnetic latch (closed). The center position removes
electrical power from either solenoid. The valves are normally open in
respect to system pressure substantiating the magnetic latching feature
for power conservation purposes during the mission in addition to prevent
overheating of the valve coil.
A position switch contained within each valve controls
a position indicator above each switch on MDC-2. When the valve is open,
the position switch is open and the indicator on MDC-2 is gray (same color
as the panel), indicating the valve is in its normal position. When the
valve is closed, the position switch is closed and the indicator on MDC-2
is barber pole (diagonal lines), indicating the valve is in its abnormal
The valve is closed in the event of a pressure
regulator unit problem and during ground servicing.
Helium pressure regulation is accomplished by two
regulator assemblies connected in parallel, with one assembly located
downstream of each helium isolation valve. Each assembly incorporates two
(primary and secondary) regulators connected in series and a filter at the
inlet to each regulator. The secondary regulator remains open as the
primary regulator functions properly. In the event of the primary
regulator failing open, the secondary regulator, in series, will maintains
lightly higher but acceptable pressures.
Two check valve assemblies, one assembly located
upstream of the oxidizer tanks and the other upstream of the fuel tanks,
permit helium flow in the downstream direction only. This prevents
propellant and/ or propellant vapor reverse flow into the pressurization
system if seepage or failure occurs in the propellant tank bladders.
Filters are incorporated in the inlet to each check valve assembly and
each test port.
The helium relief valve contains a burst diaphragm,
filter, a bleed device, and the relief valve. The burst diaphragm is
installed to provide a more positive seal against helium than that of the
actual relief valve. The burst diaphragm ruptures at a predetermined
pressure. The burst diaphragm is of the nonfragmentation type, but in the
event of any fragmentation, the filter retains any fragmentation and
prevents particles from flowing onto the relief valve seat. The relief
valve will relieve at a pressure slightly higher than that of the burst
diaphragm rupture pressure and relieve the excessive pressure overboard
protecting the fuel and oxidizer tanks. The relief valve will reseat at a
predetermined pressure.
A pressure bleed device is incorporated between the
burst diaphragm and relief valve. The bleed valve vents the cavity between
the burst diaphragm and relief valve in the event of any leakage across
the diaphragm, or vents the cavity upon completion of performing a
checkout of the relief valve from the vent port on the relief valve. The
bleed device is normally open and will c lose when the pressure increases
up to a predetermined pressure. The bleed device automatically opens when
the pressure decreases to the bleed valve opening pressure.
A protective cover is installed over the relief valve
vent port and bleed valve cavity port to prevent moisture accumulation and
foreign matter entrance. The covers are left in place at lift-off.
Brazed joint tubing is used to distribute regulated
helium in each RCS quad from the helium storage vessels to the propellant
Secondary Propellant Fuel Pressure Isolation Valve
The secondary propellant fuel pressure isolation valve
in the pressurization line to the secondary fuel tank contains two
solenoids: one solenoid is energized momentarily to magnetically latch the
valve open; the remaining solenoid is energized momentarily to unlatch the
valve, and spring pressure and helium pressure forces the valve closed.
The secondary propellant fuel pressure isolation valve in each quad is
controlled individually by its own individual SM RCS SEC PRPLNT FUEL PRESS
switch on MDC-2. The momentary OPEN position energizes the valve into the
magnetic latch (open); the momentary CLOSE position energizes the valve to
unlatch the magnetic latch (closed). The center position removes
electrical power from either solenoid. The valve is normally closed in
respect to system pressure.
There is no position indicator talkback of the valve
position to the MDC.
The valve will be opened when the secondary propellant
fuel pressure decreases, indicating the primary fuel tank is depleted.
This subsystem consists of two oxidizer tanks, two fuel
tanks, two oxidizer and two fuel isolation valves, a fuel and oxidizer
inline filter, oxidizer balance line, and associated distribution
Primary and Secondary Oxidizer Tank
The oxidizer supply is contained in two titanium alloy,
hemispherically domed cylindrical tanks. The tanks are mounted to the RCS
panel. Each tank contains a diffuser tube assembly and a teflon bladder
for positive expulsion of the oxidizer. The bladder is attached to the
diffuser tube at each end of each tank. The diffuser tube acts as the
propellant outlet.
When the tanks are pressurized, the helium surrounds
the entire bladder, exerting a force which causes the bladder to collapse
about the propellant, forcing the oxidizer into the diffuser tube assembly
and on out of the tank outlet into the manifold, providing expulsion
during zero g's.
An oxidizer fluid balance line is incorporated on the
oxidizer tank side of the propellant isolation valves between the primary
and secondary oxidizer tanks (SM
RCS Functional Flow Schematic). In prelaunch, prior to
lift-off, the helium and four propellant isolation valves are opened. The
primary oxidizer tank will flow oxidizer to the secondary tank because the
primary tank is located above the secondary tank. This displaces the
ullage area in the secondary tank to the primary and fills the secondary
full of oxidizer. If the launch continues normally, this creates no
problem. However, if a long hold period occurs, the four propellant
isolation valves will be closed and the fluid in the secondary tank will
expand because of thermal growth. The fluid balance line allows the
oxidizer to bleed from the secondary to the primary tank preventing
possible rupture of the secondary tank.
The fuel tanks could have a similar problem except that
the secondary propellant fuel pressure valve is closed prior to the
opening of the four propellant isolation valves. This prevents transfer of
fuel from one tank to the other.
Primary and Secondary Fuel Tanks
The fuel supply is contained in two tanks that are
similar in material, construction, and operation to that of the oxidizer
Propellant Isolation Shutoff Valve
Each propellant isolation valve contains two solenoids:
one that is energized momentarily to magnetically latch the valve open;
and the remaining solenoid is energized momentarily to unlatch the
magnetic latch, and spring pressure and propellant pressure closes the
valve. The propellant isolation valves located in the primary fuel and
oxidizer lines, as well as the secondary fuel and oxidizer lines in each
quad, are all controlled by a single SM RCS propellant switch on MDC-2.
The SM RCS propellant switch on MDC-2 for each quad placed to OPEN
momentarily energizes the two primary and secondary fuel and oxidizer
isolation valves into the magnetic latch (open); the CLOSE momentary
position energizes the valve to unlatch the magnetic latch (closed). The
center position removes electrical power from either solenoid.
Each quad, primary fuel, and oxidizer tank isolation
valve contains a position switch that is in parallel to one PRIM PRPLNT
position indicator above the SM RCS propellant switch on MDC-2. When the
position indicator switch in each valve is actuated open, the PRIM PRPLNT
indicator on MDC- 2 is gray (same color as the panel) indicating both
valves are open with respect to the fluid flow. Each quad, secondary tank
fuel and oxidizer isolation valve contains a position switch that is in
series to one SEC PRPLNT position indicator below the SM RCS propellant
switch on MDC-2. When the position indicator switch in each valve is
actuated closed, the SEC PRPLNT indicator on MDC- 2 is gray (same color as
the panel) indicating the valves are open to the fluid flow. When the
position indicator switch in either primary fuel or oxidizer isolation
valve is actuated closed, the PRIM PRPLNT position indicator on MDC- 2 is
barber pole (diagonal lines) indicating that either valve or both valves
are closed in respect to the fluid flow. When tl1e position indicator
switch in either secondary fuel or oxidizer isolation valve is actuated
open, the SEC PRPLNT position indicator on MDC-2 is barber pole (diagonal
lines) indicating that either valve or both valves are closed in respect
to the fluid flow.
The primary and secondary fuel and. oxidizer isolation
valves of each quad are normally open to the fluid flow.
The primary and secondary fuel and oxidizer isolation
valves of a quad are closed to the fluid flow in the event of a failure
downstream of the propellant isolation valves such as line rupture,
runaway thruster, etc.
Propellant distribution plumbing within each quad is
functionally identical. Each quad contains separate similar oxidizer and
fuel plumbing networks. Propellants, within their respective networks, are
directed from the supply tanks through manifolds for distribution to the
four engines in the clusters.
In-line filters are installed in the fuel and oxidizer
lines downstream of the propellant shutoff valves and prior to the engine
manifold contained within the engine housing.
The in-line filters are installed to prevent any
particles from flowing into the engine injector valves and engine
The service module reaction control system engines are
radiation cooled, pressure fed, bi propellant thrust generators which can
be operated in either the pulse or steady state mode. (These modes are
defined as a firing duration of less than one second, and one second or
more, respectively.)
Each engine has a fuel and oxidizer injector solenoid
control valve. The injector solenoid control valves control the flow of
propellants by responding to electrical commands (automatic or manual)
generated by the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly or direct RCS
respectively. Each engine contains an injector head assembly which directs
the flow of each propellant from the injector solenoid control valves to
the combustion chamber where the propellants atomize and ignite
(hypergolic) producing thrust. A filter is incorporated at the inlet of
each fuel and oxidizer solenoid injector valve. An orifice is installed in
the inlet of each fuel and oxidizer solenoid injector valve that meters
the propellant flow to obtain a nominal 2:1 oxidizer- fuel ratio by
Propellant Solenoid Injector Control Valves (Fuel and Oxidizer)
The propellant solenoid injector valves utilize two
coaxially wound coils, one for automatic and one for direct manual
operation. The automatic coil is used when the thrust command originates
from the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly which is the electronic
circuitry that selects the required automatic coils to be energized for a
given maneuver. The direct manual coils are used when the thrust command
originates at the rotation control (direct mode), direct ullage
pushbutton, SPS abort or the SM jettison controller (SM RCS Functional Flow Schematic)
The solenoid valves are spring- loaded closed and
energized open.
The reaction time of the valves are illustrated in SM
RCS Steady State Operation – Typical graph and
SM RCS Engine Minimum Total
Impulse – Typical graph.
SM RCS Steady State
Operation - Typical
SM RCS Engine
Minimum Total Impulse - Typical
RCS Steady State Operation – Typical graph
illustrates a thrusting duration of 15 seconds (steady state). The
electrical on signal is received within either the automatic (normal) or
manual direct coils of the engine injector valves. At 14 seconds after the
receipt of the thrust on signal, the automatic or manual direct coils are
deenergized and the injector valves spring-load closed. However, due to
the valve lag and residual propellant flow downstream of the injector
valves, thrust output continues until the residuals have burned which
establishes the cutoff transient.
RCS Engine Minimum Total Impulse – Typical graph illustrates
the minimum electrical signal that can be provided to the automatic coils
of the injector valves from the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly.
Sequence of operation is described in the subsequent steps:
A time of 12 to 18 milliseconds
will elapse before the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly can
electrically provide a command off signal to the automatic coils of
injector valves on the engine.
Then the automatic coils of
injector valves receive the electrical on signal, injector valves are
energized to open position.
The fuel injector valve automatic
coil energizes to the fully open position in approximately 7 milliseconds,
and the oxidizer injector valve automatic coil energizes to the fully open
position in approximately 9 milliseconds, establishing an approximate
2-millisecond fuel lead. This is accomplished by varying the resistance of
the automatic coils in the fuel and oxidizer injector valve.
The ·propellants start to flow
from the injector valves as soon as they start to open to the premix
igniter; however, the fuel will lead the oxidizer by 2 milliseconds.
The propellants flow into the
premix igniter and the combustion chamber which creates some pressure, gas
velocity, and thrust in the combustion chamber even though it is very
small because the engine is operating in a space environment.
The pressure, gas velocity, and
thrust continue to increase s lightly until the valves reach the full open
At approximately 12- 1/2
milliseconds, the propellants ignite (hypergolic), producing a spike of
thrust upwards into the area of approximately 70 to 80 pounds. At 12
milliseconds minimum, the electrical signal is removed from automatic
coils of the injector valves.
The engine tl1rust continues very
erratic until the valves become deenergized and spring-load closed.
At approximately 7 milliseconds
on the fuel valve and approximately 8 milliseconds on the oxidizer valve,
the injector valves are fully closed.
The residual propellants,
downstream of the injector valves, continue to flow into the combustion
chamber, decreasing until complete thrust decay of O pounds occurs at
approximately 65 milliseconds.
In order to determine the total
impulse for this time span of operation (SM RCS Engine Minimum Total
Impulse – Typical graph), everything under the entire thrust
curve must be integrated.
The automatic coils are electrically connected in
parallel from the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly.
The direct manual coils in the fuel and oxidizer
injector valves provide a direct backup to the automatic mode of
operation. The direct manual coils of the injector valves are electrically
connected in series. The reason for the series connection of the manual
coils are as follows:
To insure a fuel lead if any
heat- soaked back into the direct manual coil windings, which would change
the coil resistance and result in an oxidizer lead if the coils were
connected in parallel.
The series connection from the
fuel direct manual coil is positive to negative and to the oxidizer direct
manual coil is negative to positive, then to ground. The reverse polarity
on the oxidizer coil increases the arc suppression, reducing the arc at
the rotation control in the direct RCS mode of operation. The direct
manu.al coil opening time for the fuel injector valve is 26 milliseconds
and the oxidizer is approximately 36 milliseconds. Closing time for the
fuel and oxidizer direct manual coils is 55 ± 25 milliseconds.
The main chamber portion of the injector will allow 8
fuel streams to impinge upon 8 oxidizer streams (unlike impingement) for
main chamber ignition. There are 8 fuel holes around the outer periphery
of the injector which provide film cooling to the combustion chamber
walls. There are 8 fuel holes around the premix chamber providing cooling
to the premix chamber walls.
The injector contains a premix igniter, and the premix
chamber contains a fuel and an oxidizer passage that impinge upon each
other {unlike impingement) within the premix igniter chamber. The premix
igniter chamber, along with the approximate 2-millisecond fuel lead,
provides a smoother start transient primarily in the pulse mode of
operation and especially in the area of minimum impulse.
The combustion chamber is constructed of unalloyed
molybdenum which is coated with molybdenum disilicide to prevent oxidation
of the base metal. Cooling of the chamber is by radiation and film
The nozzle extension is attached to the chamber by a
waspolloy nut. The nozzle extension is machined from a cobalt base alloy
(stainless steel). The stiffener rings are machined.
Each of the RCS engine housings contains two electrical
strip heaters. Each heater contains two electrical elements. Each heater
element is controlled by a No. 2 therm-o-switch (SM RCS Functional Flow Schematic).
When the SM RCS HEATERS switch on MDC- 2 for that quad is placed to PRI,
28 vdc is supplied to the No. 2 therm-o-switch. The therm-o-switch is
set at a predetermined range and will automatically open or close because
of the temperature range of the therm-o-switch and will control one
element in each heater. When the SM RCS HEATERS switch on MDC- 2 for that
quad is placed to SEC, 28 vdc is supplied to the redundant No, 2
therm-oswitch. The therm-o-switch is set at a predetermined range and will
automatically open or close because of the temperature range of the
therm-o-switch and will control the redundant element in each h eater. The
SM RCS HEATERS switches will normally be placed to PRl at earth orbit
acquisition and the SEC position is utilized as a backup.
The OFF position of the SM RCS HEATERS switch on MDC-2
removes power from the SM RCS heaters.
The SM RCS package temperature indicator on MDC-2 may
be utilized to monitor the package temperature of any one of the four SM
RCS quads by utilizing the SM positions A, B, C or D of the RCS INDICATORS
select switch on MDC-2. The SM RCS package temperature transducers will
also illuminate the SM RCS A, B, C or D caution and warning lights on
MDC-2 if the package temperature becomes too low or too high.
Pressure Versus Temperature Measuring System
The helium tank supply pressure and temperature for
each quad is monitored by a pressure/temperature ratio transducer (SM RCS Functional Flow Schematic).
The pressure/temperature ratio transducer for each quad
provides a signal to the RCS indicator select switch on MDC-2. When the
RCS indicator select switch on MDC-2 is positioned to a given SM RCS quad,
the pressure/temperature ratio signal is transmitted to the propellant
quantity gauge on MDC-2, and the propellant quantity remaining for that
quad is indicated in percent.
The helium tank temperature for each quad is monitored
by a helium tank temperature transducer. The helium tank temperature is
monitored by T LM. The helium tank temperature can be monitored on MDC-2.
The SM RCS He TK TEMP/PRPLNT QTY switch and the SM positions. A, B, C, or
D of the RCS indicators select switch on MDC-2 provides the crew with the
capability to monitor either the helium tank temperature/pressure ratio as
a percent quantity remaining, or helium tank temperature which can be
compared against the helium supply pressure readout on MDC-2. With the use
of a nomogram the propellant quantity remaining could be determined in
percent through comparison of helium tank temperature and helium supply
In the SM RCS, the main buses cannot supply electrical
power to one leg of the AUT O RCS SELECT switches on MDC-8 and controller
reaction jet ON-OFF assembly until the contacts of the RCS latching relay
are closed (SM
RCS Functional Flow Schematic), Closing of these contacts for
SM RCS control may be initiated by the following signals:
With the launch escape tower
jettisoned, and the translation control rotated counterclockwise, an SPS
abort or S-IVB separation may be initiated and the following sequence of
events occur:
1. Inform the CMG system of
an abort initiation.
2. Initiate applicable
booster shutdown.
3. Inhibit the pitch and
yaw automatic jets of the controller jet ON- OFF assembly and provide a
signal to SCS-SPS thrust ON- OFF logic.
4. Initiates an ullage
maneuver signal to the required direct manual coils of the SM RCS engines
(as long as the translation control is counterclockwise, ullage is
terminated when the translation control is returned to the neutral
5. Adapter separation
occurs at 3.0 seconds after the above was initiated. In the event the
automatic adapter separation did not occur, the CSM/ LV SEPARATION
pushbutton on MDC-1 can be pressed and held.
6. Energizes the RCS
latching relay 3.8 seconds after the abort was initiated allowing the
controller reaction jet ON- OFF assembly to provide electrical commands to
the automatic coils of the SM RCS engines. If the sequential events
control system logic fails to energize the RCS latching relay, the RCS CMD
switch on MDC-2, placed to the R CS CMD position, provides a manual backup
to the automatic function. In addition, if the CSM/LV SEPARATION
pushbutton on MDC-1 is pressed and held for approximately 1 second the RCS
latching relay is energized.
A normal S-IVB separation
sequence may be initiated as follows:
The RCS CMD switch on MDC-2 is
placed to RCS CMD, enabling the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly to
provide commands to the automatic coils of the SM RCS engines.
Then positioning the translation
control to +X (backup of DIRECT ULLAGE pushbutton on MDC-1) provides the
signal required to the +X SM RCS engines; and the CSM/ LV SEPARATION
pushbutton on MDC-1 is held for 2 seconds to initiate adapter separation.
(CSM/LV SEPARATION pushbutton on
MDC-1 pressed and held for approximately 2 seconds will also energize the
RCS latching relay,)
The translation control is
returned to neutral and the CSM/LV SEP pushbutton on MDC-1 is released.
In the event the translation control is unable to
provide an ullage maneuver, the DIRECT ULLAGE pushbutton, on MDC-1, when
pressed and held, provides the direct ullage signal to the direct manual
coils of the required SM RCS engines providing a +X translation. This
provides a manual direct backup to the translation control for the ullage
maneuver. The ullage maneuver is terminated upon release of the DIRECT
ULLAGE pushbutton.
In the event the controller reaction jet ON - OFF
assembly is unable to provide commands to the automatic coils of the SM R
CS engines, a backup method is provided. This method consists of two ROT
CONT PWR DIRECT RCS switches on MDC-1 and the two rotation controllers.
The ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS 1 switch supplies power only to rotation
control 1. When the ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS 1 switch, is positioned to
MNA/MNB, main buses A and B supply power only to rotation control 1. When
the ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS 1 switch is positioned to MNA, main bus A
supplies power only to rotation control 1. The ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS 2
switch supplies power only to rotation control 2. When the ROT CONT PWR
DIRECT RCS 2 switch is positioned to MNA/MNB, main buses A and B supply
power only to rotation control 2. When the ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS 2
Switch is positioned to MNB, main bus B supplies power only to rotation
control 2. When the rotation control is positioned fully to its stops in
any direction, the rotation control will energize the required direct
manual coils for the desired maneuver and provide an inhibit signal to the
SM RCS automatic coils.
If the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly is
unable to provide commands to the automatic coils of the S M RCS engines,
it is noted that translation control of the spacecraft is disabled.
The following list is the design data on the SM RCS
4150±50 psig at 70±5 °F during servicing. After
servicing setting on launch pad is 70 ±10°F, capacity 1.35 lb. Internal
volume of 910 ±5 cubic inches. Wall thickness, 0.135 inch.
Primary 181 ±3 psi g with a
normal lockup of 183±5 ps1g.
Secondary lockup of 187±5 psig.
From lockup pressure not to drop below 182 p sig or rise above 188 psig.
Filter 25 microns nominal, 40 microns absolute at inlet of each regulator
Secondary Fuel
Pressure Transducers (4)
Illuminate caution and warning light on MDC- 2 (SM RCS
A, B, C, or D): Underpressure 145 psia nominal. Overpressure 215 psia
Check Valve-Filters - 40 microns nominal, 74 microns
absolute. One at inlet to check valve assembly, one at each test port.
Diaphragm rupture at 228
±8 psig, filter 10 microns nominal, 25 microns absolute. Relief
valve relieves at 236.5 ±11.5 psig, reseats at not less than 220 psig.
Flow capacity 0.3 lb/minute at 248 psig at 60°F. Bleed device closes when
increasing pressure reaches no more than 179 psig in the cavity and a
helium flow of less than 20 standard cubic centimeters per hour across the
bleed device and relief valve assembly combined. The bleed device reopens
when decreasing pressure has reached no less than 20 psig.
Combined propellant and ullage volume of 69.1 lb,
initially at 65°F at 150 psig , resulting in a tank pressure of no more
than 2 15 psia when heated to 85°F.
Outside diameter 12.62 in. maximum. Length 23. 717
(+O.060, -0.000) in. Wall thickness 0.017 to 0.022 in.
Helium inlet port 1/4 in. ; fill and drain port 1/2 in.
Combined propellant and ullage volume of 137.0 lb.
initially a t 65°F at 150 psig, resulting in a tank, pressure of no more
than 215 psia when heated to 85°F. Outs ide diameter 12. 62 in. maximum,
length 28.558 (+0. 060, -0.00) in. Wall thickness 0. 017 to 0. 022 in.
Combined propellant and ullage volume of 45.2 lb,
initially at 65°F at 150 psig, resulting in a tank pressure of no more
than 205 psia when heated to 105 °F. Outside diameter 12. 62 in. maximum,
length 17.329 (+0.040, -0.000) in. Wall thickness 0.022 to 0.027 in.
Combined propellant and ullage volume of 89.2 lb,
initially at 65°F at 150 psig, resulting in a tank pressure of no more
than 205 psia when heated to 105 °F. Outside diameter 12. 65 in. maximum,
length 19.907 (+0.040, -0.000) in. Wall thickness 0.022 to 0.027 1n.
5 microns nominal, 15 microns absolute.
1000-second service life, 750 seconds continuous,
capable of 10,000 operational cycles. Expansion ratio 40 to 1 at nozzle
exit. Cooling-film and radiation, injector type premix igniter, one on one
unlike impingement, 8 fuel annulus for film cooling of premix ignitor,
main chamber 8 on 8 unlike impingement, 8 fuel for film cooling of
combustion chamber wall.
Nozzle exit diameter - 5. 6 inches
Fuel lead
Automatic coils - connected in parallel
Manual coils - connected in series
Weight - 4. 99 lb
Length - 13.400 in. maximum
Filters - each
injector valve inlet
100 microns nominal, 250 microns absolute
Package Temperature
Transducer (4)
Illuminate caution and warning light on MDC-2 (SM RCS
A, B, C, or D):
Below temperature of 75 °F
Above temperature of 205°F
Close at 115°F
Open at 134 °F
Minimum spread 9°F
36 ±3.6 watts per element nominal two per quad.
Refer to CSM/LM Spacecraft Operational Data Book
SM RCS Electrical Power Distribution
See SM
RCS Electrical Power Distribution Schematic
for electrical power distribution.
SM RCS Electrical
Power Distribution Schematic
Refer to Volume 2, AOH malfunction procedures.
The command module reaction control subsystems provide
the impulses required for controlling spacecraft rates and attitude during
the terminal phase of a mission.
The subsystems may be activated by the CM-SM SEPARATION
switches on MDC-2 placed to CM-SM SEPARATION position, or by placing the
CM RCS PRESSURIZE switch on MDC-2 to the CM RCS PRESS position. The
subsystems are activated automatically in the event of an abort from the
pad up to launch escape tower jettison. Separation of the two modules
occurs prior to entry {normal mode), or during an abort from the pad up to
launch escape tower jettison.
The CM RCS consists of two similar and independent
subsystems, identified as subsystem 1 and subsystem 2. Both subsystems are
pressurized simultaneously. In the event a malfunction develops in one
subsystem, the remaining subsystem has the capability of providing the
impulse required to perform necessary pre-entry and entry maneuvers. The
CM RCS is contained entirely within the CM and each reaction engine nozzle
is ported through the CM skin. The propellants consist of inhibited
nitrogen tetroxide {N204) used as the oxidizer and monomethylhydrazine
(MMH) used as fuel. Pressurized helium gas is the propellant transferring
The reaction jets may be pulse-fired, producing short
thrust impulses or continuously fired, producing a .steady state thrust
level. CM attitude control is maintained by utilizing the applicable
pitch, yaw and roll engines of subsystems 1 and 2. However, complete
attitude control can be maintained with only one subsystem.
A functional flow diagram of CM RCS subsystems 1 and 2
is shown in the CM
RCS Functional Flow Schematic
. The helium storage vessel of each subsystem supplies pressure to two
helium isolation squib valves that are closed throughout the mission until
either the CM SM Separation switch on MDC-2, or CM RCS PRESS switch on
MDC-2 is activated. When the helium isolation squib valves in a subsystem
are initiated open, this allows the helium tank source pressure to the
pressure regulators downstream of each helium isolation squib valve. The
regulators reduce the high-pressure helium to a desired working pressure.
CM RCS Functional
Flow Schematic
Regulated helium pressure is directed through
series-parallel check valves. The check valves permit helium pressure to
the fuel and oxidizer tanks and prevent reverse flow of propellant vapors
or liquids. A pressure relief valve is installed in the pressure lines
between the check valves and propellant tanks to protect the propellant
tanks from any excessive pressure.
Helium entering the propellant tau½s creates a pressure
buildup around the propellant positive expulsion bladders, forcing the
propellants to be expelled into the propellant distribution lines.
Propellants then flow to valve isolation burst diaphrag1ns, which rupture
due to the pressurization, and then through the propellant isolation
valves. Each subsystem supplies fuel and oxidizer to six engines.
Oxidizer and fuel is distributed to the 12 engines by a
parallel feed system. The fuel and oxidizer engine injector valves, on
each engine, contain orifices which meter the propellant flow to obtain a
nominal 2.1 oxidizer/fuel ratio by weight. The oxidizer and fuel ignite
due to the hypergolic reaction. The engine injector valves are controlled
automatically by the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly. Manual
direct control is provided for rotational maneuvers, and the engine
injector valves are spring-loaded closed.
CM RCS engine preheating may be necessary before
initiating pressurization due to possible freezing of the oxidizer (+11
.8°F) upon contact with the engine injector valves. The crew will monitor
the engine temperatures and determine if preheating is required by
utilizing the engine injector valve solenoids direct manual coils for
preheat until acceptable engine temperatures are obtained. The CM RCS HTRS
switch, on MDC-101, will be utilized to apply power to the engine injector
valve direct manual coils for engine preheating.
Since the presence of hypergolic propellants can be
hazardous upon CM impact, the remaining propellants are burned or dumped
and purged with helium in addition to depleting the helium source pressure
prior to CM impact.
In the event of an abort from the pad up to T + 42
seconds after liftoff, provisions have been incorporated to automatically
dump the oxidizer and fuel supply overboard. Then, followed by a helium
purge of the fuel and oxidizer systems in addition to depleting the
11elium source pressure.
The CM RCS is composed of two separate, normally
independent subsystems, designated subsystem 1 and subsystem 2. The
subsystems are identical in operation, each containing the following four
major subsystems:
Rocket engine
Temperature control system
This subsystem consists of a helium supply tank, two
dual pressure regulator assemblies, two check valve assemblies, two
pressure relief valve assemblies, and associated distribution plumbing.
The total high-pressure helium is contained within a
single spherical storage tank for each subsystem. Initial fill pressure is
4150±50 psig.
Helium Isolation (Squib-Operated) Valve
The two squib-operated helium isolation valves are
installed in the plumbing from each helium tank to confine the helium into
as small an area as possible. This reduces helium leakage during the
period the system is not in use. Two squib valves are employed in each
system to assure pressurization. The valves are opened by closure of the
CM RCS PRESS switch on MDC-2 to CM RCS PRESS, or by placing the CM/SM SEP
switches on MDC-2 to CM/SM SEP, or upon the receipt of an abort signal
from tl1e pad up to the launcl1 escape tower jettison.
Helium Pressure Regulator Assembly
The pressure regulators used in the CM RCS subsystems 1
and 2 are similar in type, operation, and function to those used in the SM
The difference is that the regulators in the CM RCS are
set at a higher pressure than those of the SM RCS.
The check valve assemblies used in CM RCS subsystems 1
and 2 are identical in type, operation, and function to those used in the
The helium relief valves used in the CM RCS subsystems
1 and 2 are similar in type, operation, and function to those used in the
The difference being the rupture pressure of the burst
diaphragm in the CM RCS is higher than that of the SM RCS and the relief
valve relieves at a higher pressure in the CM RCS than that of the SM RCS.
Brazed joint tubing is used to distribute regulated
helium in each subsystem from the helium storage vessels to the propellant
Each subsystem consists of one oxidizer tank, one fuel
tank, oxidizer and fuel isolation valves, oxidizer and fuel burst
diaphragm isolation valves, and associated distribution plumbing.
The oxidizer supply is contained in a single titanium
alloy, hemispherical-domed cylindrical tank in each subsystem. Each tank
contains a diffuser tube assembly and a teflon bladder for positive
expulsion of the oxidizer similar to that of the SM RCS secondary tank
assemblies. The bladder is attached to the diffuser tube at each end of
the tank. The diffuser tube acts as the propellant outlet.
When the tank is pressurized, the helium gas surrounds
the entire bladder, exerting a force which causes the bladder to collapse
about the propellant, forcing the oxidizer into the diffuser tube assembly
and on out of the tank outlet into the manifold.
The fuel supply is contained in a single titanium
alloy, hemispherical-domed cylindrical tank in each subsystem that is
similar in material construction and operation to that of the SM RCS
secondary fuel tanks.
Diaphragm Burst Isolation Valve
The burst diaphragms, downstream from each tank are
installed to confine the propellants into as small an area as possible
throughout the mission. This is to prevent loss of propellants in the
event of line rupture downstream of the burst diaphragm of engine injector
valve leakage.
When the helium isolation squib valves are initiated
open, regulated helium pressure pressurizes the propellant tanks creating
the positive expulsion of propellants into the respective manifolds to the
burst diaphragms which rupture and allow the propellants to flow on
through the burst diaphragm and the propellant isolation valves to the
injector valves on each engine. The diaphragm is of the nonfragmentation
type, but in the event of any fragmentation, a filter is incorporated to
prevent any fragments from entering the engine injector valves.
Propellant Isolation Shutoff Valves
When the burst diaphragm isolation valves are ruptured,
the propellants flow to the propellant isolation valves.
The fuel and oxidizer isolation valves in the SYS 1
fuel and oxidizer lines are both controlled by the CM RCS PRPLNT 1 switch
on MDC-2. The fuel and oxidizer isolation valves in the SYS 2 fuel and
oxidizer lines are both controlled by the CM RCS PRPLNT 2 switch on MDC-2,
Each propellant isolation valve contains two solenoids, one that is
energized momentarily to magnetically latch the valve open, and the
remaining solenoid is energized momentarily to unlatch the magnetic latch
and spring pressure and propellant pressure close the valve. The CM RCS
PROPELLANT switch on MDC-2 is placed to ON energizing the valve into the
magnetic latch (open), the OFF position energizes the valve to unlatch the
magnetic latch (closed). The center position removes electrical power from
either solenoid. The valves are normally open in respect to the fluid
Each valve contains a position switch which is in
parallel to one position indicator above the switch on MDC-2 that controls
both valves.
When the position switch in each valve is open, the
indicator on MDC-2 is gray (same color as the panel) indicating that the
valves are in the normal position, providing a positive open valve
indication. When the position switch in either valve is closed, the
indicator on MDC-2 is barber pole (diagonal lines) indicating that either
valve, or both valves, are closed.
The valves are closed in the event of a failure
downstream of the valves, line rupture, run away thruster, etc.
Brazed joint tubing is used to distribute regulated
helium to the propellant positive expulsion tanks in subsystems 1 and 2.
The distribution lines contain 16 explosive-operated (squib) valves which
permit changing the helium and propellant distribution configuration to
accomplish various functions within the CM RCS. Each squib valve is
actuated by an explosive charge, detonated by an electrical hot-wire
ignitor. After ignition of the explosive device, the valve remains open
permanently. Two squib valves are utilized in each subsystem to isolate
the high-pressure helium supply until RCS pressurization is initiated. Two
squib valves are utilized to interconnect subsystems 1 and 2 regulated
helium supply which ensures pressurization of both subsystems during
dump-burn and helium purge operations. Two squib valves in each subsystem
permit helium gas to bypass the propellant tanks which allow helium
purging of the propellant subsystem and depletion of the helium source
pressure. One squib valve in the oxidizer system permits both oxidizer
systems to become common. One squib in the fuel system permits both fuel
systems to become common. Two squib valves in the oxidizer syste1n, and
two in the fuel system are utilized to dump the respective propellant in
the event of an abort from the pad up to T +42 seconds.
The command module reaction control subsystem engines
are ablative-cooled, bi-propellant thrust generators which can be operated
in either the pulse mode or the steady-state mode.
Each engine has a fuel and oxidizer injector solenoid
valve. The injector solenoid control valves control the flow of
propellants by responding to electrical commands generated by the
controller reaction jet ONOFF assembly or by the direct manual mode. E ach
engine contains an injector head assembly which directs the flow of each
propellant from the engine injector valves to tl1e combustion chamber
where the propellants atomize and ignite (hypergolic), producing thrust.
Esti1nated engine thrust rise and decay is shown in figure
CM RCS Engine Thrust Rise and
Decay Time Diagram .
CM RCS Engine
Thrust Rise and Decay Time Diagram
Propellant Solenoid Injector Control Valves (Fuel and Oxidizer)
The injector valves utilize two coaxially wound coils,
one for automatic and one for direct manual control. The automatic coil is
used when the thrust command originates from the controller reaction jet
ON-OFF assembly.
The direct manual coils are used wl1en the thrust
command originates at the rotation control (direct RCS).
The engine injector valves are spring-loaded closed and
energized open.
The reaction time of the values, pulse mode of
operation, reason for pulse mode, and thrust curve generated by the engine
is similar to the SM RCS engines.
The automatic coils in the fuel and oxidizer injector
valves are connected in parallel from the controller reaction jet ON-OFF
The direct manual coils in the fuel and oxidizer
injector valves provide a direct backup to the auto1natic system. The
direct manual coils are connected in parallel from the rotation controls.
The engine injector valve automatic coil opening time
is 8± 1 /2 milliseconds, and closing is 6±1/2 milliseconds. The engine
injector valve direct manual coil opening time is 16±3 milliseconds and
closing time is 7±3 milliseconds.
The injector contains 16 fuel and 16 oxidizer passages
that i1npinge (unlike impinge1nent) upon a splash plate within the
combustion chamber. Therefore, the injector pattern is referred to as an
unlike impingement splash-plate injector.
The thrust chamber assembly is fabricated in four
segments, the combustion chamber ablative sleeve, throat insert, ablative
material, asbestos and a fiberglass wrap. The engine is ablative-cooled.
The CM RCS engines are mounted within the structure of
the CM. The nozzle extensions are required to transmit the gasses from the
engine out through the structure of the CM. The nozzle extensions are
fabricated of ablative material.
Engine Solenoid Injector Temperature-Control System
A temperature-control system of the CM RCS engine is
employed by energizing the manual direct coils on each engine (CM RCS Functional Flow Schematic).
Temperature sensors are mounted on 6 of the 12 engine
injectors. A temperature sensor is installed on the subsystem 1
counterclockwise roll-engine injector, negative yaw-engine injector,
negative pitch-engine injector, and on subsystem 2 positive yaw-engine
injector, negative pitch-engine injector, and clockwise roll-engine
The temperature transducers have a range from - 50° to
+50°F. The temperature transducers from the three subsystems 1 and 2
engine injectors provide inputs to the two rotary switches on MDC-101,
which are located in the lower equipment(bay of the command module. With
the rotary switches positioned as illustrated in
CM RCS Functional Flow Schematic,
the specific engine injector temperature is monitored as d-c voltage on
the 0- to 5-vdc voltmeter on MDC-101. The 0 vdc is equivalent to - 50°F
and 5 vdc is equivalent to +50°F.
A CM RCS HEATER switch located on MDC-101 (CM RCS Functional Flow Schematic)
is placed to the CM RCS HTR position when any one of the instrumented
engines are below +28°F (3. 9 vdc). The CM RCS LOGIC switch, on MDC-1,
must be positioned to CM RCS LOGIC to provide electrical power to the CM
RCS HT R switch on MDC-101. When the CM RCS HTR switch is positioned to CM
RCS HTRS, relays are energized, which allow electrical power to be
provided from the CM HEATERS circuit breakers 1 MNA and 2 MNB on MDC-8, to
the direct injector solenoid control valves of the 12 CM RCS engines. The
fuel and oxidizer injector solenoid control valve direct coils (of all 12
CM RCS engines) are energized open prior to the pressurization of CM RCS
subsystems 1 and 2. A 20-minute maximum heat-up time assures engine
injector temperature is at -10 °F m1n1mum. At the end of 20 minutes, the
CM RCS HTR switch on MDC-101 is positioned to OFF, allowing the injector
solenoid control valve direct coils to de- energize, and the injector
solenoid control valves spring-load closed. This will prevent the oxidizer
from freezing at the engine injector valves upon pressurization of
subsystems 1 and 2 and the 20-minute time factor ensures that the warmer
engines will not be overheated.
The CM RCS HEATER switch must be placed to OFF prior to
CM RCS pressurization.
The operation of the CM RCS HEATER switch in
conjunction with the d-c voltmeter and/or heating time insures all other
engine valves reach the acceptable temperature levels.
If the CM RCS HEATER switch on MDC-101 fails to
energize the direct coils for the CM RCS preheat, the following backup
procedure may be utilized:
Place CM RCS HEATER switch on
MDC-101 to OFF.
DIRECT RCS switch 1 and 2 on MDC-1 to OFF.
P lace RCS TRANSFER switch on
MDC-2 to CM.
Place SC CONT switch on MDC-1 to
and ROLL switches on MDC-1 to ACCEL CMD.
switches on MDC-8 to OFF.
soft stops for 10 minutes.
If a CM RCS engine temperature
that is monitored on MDC-101 fails to increase because of a CM RCS engine
direct coils failure, follow above steps a through f, and then place
ROTATION HAND CONTROL{S) to soft stop(s) of affected engine for 10
All automatic thrust commands for CM attitude are
generated from within the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly. These
commands may originate at:
The rotation controls
The stabilization and control
The command module computer.
In the event the controller reaction jet ON-OFF
assembly is unable to provide commands to the automatic coils of the SM
RCS engines, a backup method is provided. The backup method consists of
two ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS switches on MDC-1 and the two rotation
controllers. The ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS 1 switch supplies power only to
rotation control 1. When the ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS 1 switch, is
positioned to MNA/MNB, main buses A and B supply power only to rotation
control 1. When the ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS 1 switch is positioned to MNA,
main bus A, supplies power only to rotation control 1. The ROT CONT PWR
DIRECT RCS 2 switch supplies power only to rotation control 2. When the
ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS 2 switch is positioned to MNA/MNB, main buses A
and B supply power only to rotation control 2. When the ROT CONT PWR
DIRECT RCS 2 switch is positioned to MNB, main bus B supplies power only
to rotation control 2. When the rotation control is positioned fully to
its stops in any direction, the required direct manual coils are energized
for the desired maneuver.
When the CM/SM SEP switches on MDC-2 are placed to CM
SM SEP position, the switches automatically energize relays in the RCS
control box (SM
RCS Functional Flow Schematic) (providing the CM RCS LOGIC
switch on MDC-1 is at CM RCS LOGIC) that transfer the controller reaction
jet ON-OFF assembly, and direct 1nanual inputs from the SM RCS engine to
the CM RCS engines automatically. These same functions occur automatically
on any LES ABORT also, providing
the CM RCS LOGIC switch on MDC-l is at CM RCS LOGIC.
The transfer motors in the RCS control box are
redundant to ea ch other in tl1at they ensure the direct manual inputs are
transferred from the SM RCS engines to the CM RCS engines in addition to
providing a positive deadface.
The RCS transfer motors may also be activated by the
RCS T RANS FER switch placed to CM position on MDC-2 whicl1 provides a
manual backup to the automatic transfer. The CM RCS L OGIC s witch on MDC-
1 does not have to be on for the manual backup transfer function.
As an example, in the case of the direct manual inputs
only to the RCS engines: If the electrical A RCS transfer motor failed to
transfer automatically a t CM/SM SEP (providing the CM RCS LOGIC switch on
MDC-1 is at CM RCS LOGIC); or by use of the manual RCS transfer switch on
MDC- 2, the electrical B RCS transfer motor would transfer the direct
manual inputs from the SM RCS engines to tl1e CM RCS engines in addition
to a positive deadfacing to the SM RCS engines.
Th e CM RCS sub sys terns 1 and 2 may be checked out
prior to CM/SM separation by utilization of the RCS transfer switch on
MDC-2. Placing the RCS TRANSFER switch to the CM position, the controller
reaction jet ON-OFF assembly and direct manual inputs are transferred to
the CM permitting a CM RCS checkout prior to CM/SM separation.
There are two sequences of propellant jettison. One
sequence is employed in the event of an abort while the vehicle is on the
launch pad and through the first 42 seconds of flight. The second sequence
is employed for all other conditions, whether it be a normal entry or an
SPS abort mode of operation.
The sequence of events before and during a normal entry
is as follows:
The CM RCS is pressurized by
placing the CM/SM SEP switches on MDC-2 to C.M/SM SEP position or by
placing the CM RCS PRESS switch on MDC-2 to the CM RCS PRESS position
prior to initiating CMSM separation. The CM RCS PRESS switch or the CM-SM
SEP switches initiate the helium isolation squib valves in CM RCS
subsystems 1 and 2, thus pressurizing both subsystems {figures 2. 5-11 and
2. 5-13). The CM RCS LOGIC switch on MDC-1 must be placed to CM RCS LOGIC
prior to initiating CM/SM separation to provide the automatic RCS transfer
The CM RCS provides attitude
control during entry. At approximately 24, 000 feet, a barometric switch
is activated unlatching the RCS latching relay. This inhibits any further
commands from the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly {providing the
ELS LOGIC switch on MDC-1 is in AUTO) (SM RCS Functional Flow Schematic).
The RCS CMD switch MDC-2, positioned to OFF momentarily provides a manual
backup to the 24,000 feet barometric switches.
At approximately main parachute
line stretch as a normal manual function, the CM RCS PRPLNT-DUMP switch on
MDC-1 is placed to the DUMP position. This function initiates the
following simultaneously; (CM RCS LOGIC switch on MDC-1 must be placed to
CM RCS LOGIC to provide electrical power to the DUMP switch). (See
CM RCS Functional Flow Schematic and
RCS Squib Valve Power Control Diagram.)
Initiates the two helium
interconnect squib valves.
Initiates the fuel interconnect
squib valves.
Initiates the oxidizer
interconnect squib valve.
The fuel and oxidizer injector
valve direct manual coils are energized on all of the CM RCS engines
excluding the two t pitch engines. The propellants are jettisoned by
burning the propellants remaining through 10 of the 12 engines. The length
of time to burn the remaining propellants will vary, depending upon the
amount of propellants remaining in the fuel and oxidizer tanks at 24, 000
feet. If an entire propellant load remained, as an example, a nominal burn
time would be 88 seconds through 10 of the 12 engines. In the worst case
of only 5 of the 12 engines {direct manual coils energized), a nominal
burn time would be 155 seconds.
Upon completion of propellant
burn, the CM P RPLNT PURGE switch on MDC- 1 is placed to the P URGE
position as a normal manual function (the CM PRPLNT-DUMP switch supplies
electrical power when placed to DUMP position to the PURGE switch). When
the PURGE switch is placed to PURGE, the s witch initiates the four helium
bypass squib valves. This allows the regulated helium pressure to bypass
each fuel and oxidizer tank, purging the lines and manifolds out through
10 of the 12 engines, as well as depleting tl1e heliu1n source pressure.
Purging requires approximately 15 seconds (until helium depletion).
In the event of a CM RCS LOGIC
switch and/or CM P RPLNT DUMP switch failure on MDC-1, the remaining
propellants may be burned by placing ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS switch 1 on
MDC-1, to either MNA/MNB or MNA, and/or ROT CONT PWR DIRECT RCS switch 2
on M DC- 1, to either MNA/MNB or MNB. Then positioning the two rotation
controllers to CCW, CW, -Y, +Y and -P (excluding +P) position. This will
energize the direct fuel and oxidizer injector solenoid valve coils of ten
of the twelve CM RCS engines and burn the remaining propellants. At the
completion of propellant burn the CM RCS HELIUM DUMP pushbutton on MDC-1
would be pressed initiating the four bypass squib valves. This allows the
regulated helium pressure to bypass each fuel and oxidizer tank. This
purges the lines and manifolds out through ten of the twelve engines a s
well as depleting the helium source pressure providing the two rotation
controllers are positioned to CCW, CW, -Y, and - P (excluding +P).
In the event the CM RCS LOGIC and
Clv1 PRPLNT DUMP switches on MDC-1 function correctly and the P URGE
switch fails, the CM R CS HELIUM DUMP pushbutton on MDC-1 would be
pressed, initiating the four helium bypass squib valves, allowing the
regulated helium pressure to bypass around each fuel and oxidizer tank,
purging the lines and manifolds out through 10 of the 12 engines as well a
s depleting the helium source pressure.
Upon completion of purging, the
direct manual coils of the CM RCS engine injector valves will be
de-energized by placing the CM RCS LOGIC switch on MDC- 1 to OFF, or by
placing the CM PRPLNT DUMP switch on MDC-1 to OFF. The CM RCS 1 and 2 P RP
LNT switches on MDC-2 will also be placed to the OFF position momentarily
closing the fuel and · oxidizer propellant isolation valves. These
functions will be accomplished prior to impact.
CM RCS Squib Valve
Power Control Diagram
The sequence of events involving an abort from the pad
up to 42 seconds are as follows:
switch on MDC-2 is placed to the PRPLNT DUMP AUTO position (CM RCS Functional Flow Schematic and
RCS Squib Valve Power Control Diagram.) and the CM RCS LOGIC
switch on MDC- 1 is placed to the CM RCS LOGIC position at sometime in the
countdown prior to T + 0.
b. The following events occur
simultaneously upon the receipt of the abort signal. The command may be
generated automatically by the sequential events control system or by
manually rotating the translation control counterclockwise:
1. When the abort signal is
received, the two squib-operated helium isolation valves in each subsystem
are initiated open, pressurizing subsystems 1 and 2, Manual backup would
be the CM RCS press switch on MDC-2.
2. The squib-operated helium
interconnect valve for the oxidizer and fuel tanks are initiated open. If
only one of the two squib helium isolation valves was initiated open, both
subsystems are pressurized as a result of the helium interconnect squib
valve interconnect,
3. The solenoid-operated
fuel and oxidizer isolation shutoff valves are closed. This prevents fuel
and oxidizer from flowing to the thrust chamber assemblies.
4. The squib-operated fuel
and oxidizer interconnect valves are initiated open. If only one of the
two oxidizer or fuel overboard dump squib valves was initiated open, the
oxidizer and fuel manifolds of each respective system are common as a
result of the oxidizer and fuel interconnect squib valve.
5, The squib-operated
oxidizer overboard dump valves are initiated open directing the oxidizer
to an oxidizer blowout plug, in the aft heat shield of the CM. The
pressure buildup causes the pin in the blowout plug to shear, thus blowing
the plug and dumping the oxidizer overboard. The entire oxidizer supply is
dumped in approximately 13 seconds.
6. The RCS latching relay
will not energize in the event of an abort from Oto +42 seconds because of
the position of the P RPLNT DUMP AUTO switch (CM RCS Functional Flow Schematic and
RCS Squib Valve Power Control Diagram). Thus, no commands are
allowed into the controller reaction jet ON-OFF assembly.
7. The CM-SM RCS transfer
motor-driven switches are automatically driven upon receipt of the abort
signal, transferring the logic circuitry from SM RCS engines to CM RCS
8. Five seconds after abort
initiation, the squib-operated fuel overboard dump valves are initiated
open and route the fuel to a fuel blowout plug in the aft heat shield of
the CM. The pressure buildup causes the pin in the blowout plug to shear,
thus blowing the plug and dumping the fuel overboard. The entire fuel
supply is dumped in approximately 13 seconds.
9. Thirteen seconds after
the fuel dump sequence was started the fuel and oxidizer bypass squib
valves subsystems 1 and 2 are initiated open. This purges the fuel and
oxidizer systems out through the fuel and oxidizer overboard dumps,
respectively, and depleting the helium source pressure.
During the prelaunch period the MAIN BUS TIE switcl1es
on MDC-5 are in the AUTO position. In the event of a pad abort, electrical
power is automatically applied to the main buses. Just prior to lift-off
the electrical power is applied to the main buses by manually placing the
two MAIN BUS TIE switches on MDC-5 to BAT A/C and BAT B/C positions.
The sequence of events if an abort is initiated after
42 seconds up to launch escape tower jettison are as follows:
At 42 seconds after lift-off, as
a normal manual function the PRPLNT DUMP AUTO switch on MDC-2 is placed to
the auto RCS CMD position. This safes the oxidizer, fuel dump, and purge
circuitry (CM
RCS Functional Flow Schematic
and CM
RCS Squib Valve Power Control Diagram) and sets up the
circuitry for the RCS latching relay.
The CM RCS LOGIC switch MDC-1 was
placed to CM RCS LOGIC prior to T + 0.
Initiate both helium isolation
squib valves in the CM RCS subsystems 1 and 2. Manual backup would be the
CM RCS PRESS switch on MDC- 2; thus, pressurizing CM RCS subsystems 1 and
Automatically drives the CM SM
transfer motors from SM RCS engines to CM RCS engines, Manual backup would
be the RCS transfer switch on MDC-2 to CM position.
Energize the RCS latching relay
one second after receipt of the abort signal. This allows the controller
reaction jet ON-OFF assembly to provide electrical commands to the CM RCS.
Manual backup would be the RCS CMD switch on MDC-2.
Dependent upon the altitude of
abort initiation, the launch escape tower canards orient the CM for
descent or the CM RCS orients the CM for descent.
At 24, 000 ft, the barometric
switch energizes the RCS latching relay {providing the ELS LOGIC switch on
MDC-1 is in AUTO). This removes electrical power from the controller
reaction jet ON-OFF assembly, thus the CM RCS engines. Manual backup would
be the RCS CMD switch on MDC-2.
At main parachute line stretch,
as a normal manual function the CM PRPLNT DUMP switch on MDC-1 is placed
to DUMP initiating the following functions:
1. Same as in a normal entry
The following list contains data on the CM RCS
Helium Tanks
4150±50 psig at 70 ° ±5 °F during servicing; setting on
launch pad 70 ° ±10 °F, Capacity 0.57 lb, inside diameter 8. 84 in., wall
thickness 0 .105 in., internal volume of 365±5 cubic inches at 4150±50
psig, and weight 5.25 lb.
Helium Isolation
Squib Valve Filter
Removes 98 percent of all particles whose two smallest
dimensions are greater than 40 microns. Ren1.oves 100 percent of all
particles whose two smallest dimensions are greater than 74 microns.
Primary 291±4 psig. Lockup pressure minimum of 287 psig
and not to exceed 302 psig.
Secondary - lockup 287 to 302 psig. Filter 25 microns
nominal, 40 microns absolute at inlet of each regulator unit.
40 microns nominal, 74 microns absolute. One at each
inlet to check valve assembly, one a teach test port.
Diaphragm rupture at 340±8 psi. Filter 10 microns
nominal, 25 microns absolute.
Relieve at 346±14 psig.
Reseat at no less than 327 psig.
Flow capacity 0.3 lb/minute at 60°F and 346±14 psig.
Bleed device closes when increasing pressure has
reached no more than 1-79 psig in the cavity, and a helium flow of less
than 20 standard cubic centimeters per hour across the bleed device and
relief valve assembly combined. The bleed device reopens when decreasing
pressure has reached no less than 20 psig.
Helium Manifold
Pressure Transducer (4)
Illuminates caution and warning lights on M DC-2 (CM
R.CS l or 2).
After helium
isolation squib valve actuation:
Underpressure 260.psia.
Overpressure 330 psia.
See SM RCS secondary fuel tanks.
Valve Isolation
Burst Diaphragm (4)
Rupture at 241 ±1 4 psig within 2 seconds after rupture
pressure is reached at any temperature between 40 ° to 105 °F. Filter 7 5
microns nominal, 100 microns absolute.
200-second service life, 3000 operational cycles
Nominal thrust - 93 pounds
Expansion ratio - 9 to 1
Cooling - Ablation
Injector type - 16 on 1 6 splash plate
Combustion chamber-refrasil ablative sleeve and
graphite base throat insert.
Automatic and manual coils connected in parallel.
Weight - 8. 3 lb.
Length - 11. 65 in. maximum
Nozzle exit diameter - 2. 13 in.
Nozzle extensions - ablative refrasil
Pin shears at approximately 200 psi.
Pin shears at approximately 200 psi.
Refer to CSM/LM Spacecraft Operational Data Book
CM RCS Electrical Power Distribution
See CM RCS Electrical Power
Distribution Schematic
for electrical power distribution.
CM RCS Electrical
Power Distribution Schematic
Refer to AOH, Volume 2, Malfunction Procedures.