Sensible Clothing

Child Safety Seat

On Board the Aircraft

Exit Row Seating

Make Your Safe Trip Even Safer

When you fly on the commercial airlines of the United States, you are flying on the safest, most efficient form of transportation. When the rare accident does occur, more and more people survive because of advances in aircraft manufacturing and design, air traffic control technology, emergency planning, and cabin safety. Aviation manufacturers, air carriers, and the FAA are proud of their contributions to aviation's impressive safety record. You, the air traveler, play a very important role in aviation safety. You can take responsibility for your own safety.

Fly Smart.

Be responsible for your safety and make your safe trip even safer.

Listen to the Safety Briefing

"Fly Smart" travelers always listen to the safety briefing because they know that every aircraft is different. The following are some tips to ensure that you are familiar with the aircraft you are on:

Fasten Your Seat Belt

Of all the safety features aboard the aircraft, one of the most important is right at your fingertips-your seat belt. In a recent study, nearly 300 turbulence-related serious injuries to passengers were reported over a 10-year period. None of the injured had their seat belts fastened. To prevent turbulence-related injuries, "Fly Smart" travelers should always:

Obey Carry-On Baggage Restrictions

"Fly Smart" travelers should be aware of what they bring on board.

The above list is not all-inclusive. There are certain exceptions for personal care, medical needs, and equipment to support physically challenged passengers. There are also provisions for sporting equipment. When in doubt, check with your airline.

Wear Sensible Clothing

For ease of movement and protection in the unlikely event of an evacuation, "Fly Smart" travelers should follow these guidelines:

In the unlikely event of an emergency you should be aware of the following:

Evacuation Slides

Rapid Decompression

Flotation Devices

Evacuating the Aircraft

Fire or Smoke

Outside the Aircraft

"Fly Smart" travelers use this Air Travelers Checklist

To receive a printed copy of "Fly Smart An Air Travelers Guide"
brochure from which these pages are based, write:

400 7th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590

You may also leave your request with an automated telephone answering service by dialing:


U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration

Last Updated: 1/6/96

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration

Last Updated: 12/22/95

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